The PROTO Integrattron integrated headset brings the technology of the future into the present. This innovative component combines the headset topcap and bearing compression into a single unit, reducing the number of parts and overall weight. The result? One of the strongest and lightest headsets on the market, ready to take your scootering experience to the next level.
The reduced stack height increases the strength around the fork, providing full support to the bar. This design eliminates the weak points often found in traditional topcaps, where forks are prone to damage. The PROTO Integrattron headset fits perfectly with decks featuring integrated headtubes, ensuring the most stable and reliable performance every time.
Choose the PROTO Integrattron headset and discover what it's like to ride with the technology of tomorrow. This unique headset not only enhances reliability but also guarantees you’ll be satisfied with its performance. Don’t miss the opportunity to take your scooter to the next level with this cutting-edge innovation!